Monday, October 29, 2012


Bakken, R. (1998). Come hell and high water. 

"We fought this thing. We fought it all night long. We fought and fought and fought" Mary Anderson, East Grand Forks resident

Video Clip the day the dike broke

Beatotod (2006, December 26). Grand Forks the flood of 1997-part 1. Retrieved October 26, 2012, from

This video shows clips of April 18th the day the dike broke.
Rescue crews at work, Grand Forks, ND. (1997). State Historical Society of North Dakota. Retrieved on October 28, 2012 from:
Neighborhood inundated with flood water, Grand Forks, N.D. State Historical Society of North Dakota.  Retrieved October 27, 2012 from: 

An aerial photo of a neighborhood in Grand Forks, ND. 

Remnants of flood damage, Grand Forks, ND. (1997). State Historical Society of North Dakota. Retrieved on October 27, 2012.

All the trash that people had to take out of their house to start the clean-up.
Beatotod (2006). Grand Forks the flood of 1997- part 7a. Retrieved on October 29, 2012 from:

Red Cross Helps

Father of Nehrams2020 (1997). Retrieved on October 30, 2012, from

Many people came to help clean up and donate items to victims. Other organizations other than the Red Cross were FEMA and the National Guard.